You know something needs to change in your business but you can’t quite put your finger on it…

Report contains:

  • Clarity of vision, mission, visual branding & voice.

  • Insight into your audience & how to attract them.

  • Clear & constructive feedback on your website, social media & branding materials.

  • A defined approach to content creation & storytelling.

  • Tailored-to-you strategies to market your brand.

  • Insights into developing your product offering, product lifecycle, pricing & processes.

  • Improved understanding of your website visuals, user experience (UX) analytics & how to improve them for growth. Including recommendations for improving website search engine optimisation (SEO).

  • Opportunities to diversify & grow sales channels.

  • Valuable reflections, planning & actions for the future.

  • Ongoing support.

Benefits of a brand audit

A brand audit is for you if…

You’re not making sales & don’t know why

You have designed product you love & get positive feedback about it but are not seeing sales.

You have no defined marketing strategy

Not sure how to start marketing your brand? Or trying everything with few results? Never heard of a critical path?

You need help organising or prioritising

Feeling overwhelmed & not sure where to start or what to prioritise? Constantly feeling like you need to reorganise?

You don’t know what content to create

Being led by online trends or creating content which gets low engagement? Not sure what topics will resonate with your audience?

You don’t know your product margins

Do you know how how to price your jewellery & how much profit each of your sales brings in? Do you know how to analyse sales or how many sales you need to make to be a profitable business?

You don’t know who your target audience is

You just want to make beautiful things but don’t know who you are speaking to, who will buy your jewellery or why they should buy it?

You have an ineffective website

Lost when it comes to search engine optimisation (SEO)? You have low traffic & conversion rates or you don’t know how to analyse your website metrics to get noticed & grow your brand.

Invest in your brand

Full service brand audits are priced from £500. Do you know how many sales you would need to recoup the cost of an audit? If not, you may need one. If you do know, then you know how worth it investing in your band could be.

Book in a free discovery call to get a taster & find out more about the process.

“Rebecca produced a brand audit with insights that really helped with understanding what parts of the business needed some TLC!”

Gemma Rose Churchill

“What i loved most was the thought provoking nature of it and the resources provided to to help me visually articulate my brand.”

Kassandra Lauren Gordon