How to Craft Product Descriptions That Build Trust & Sell Your Jewellery

One of the most common mistakes I see jewellers making online is neglecting their product descriptions, and believe me, it’s a big mistake! Much like how good product images are essential to selling online, descriptions are a valuable tool, not only for being discovered online, but to build trust with your potential customers too. When crafted just right, product descriptions on your jewellery website can make, as opposed to break, a sale.

If you read no further than this please take this one piece of advice, be consistent. Decide on a formate for your product descriptions that suit your brand and customer profile and stick with it, use it like a template. Consistency across your product copy means potential customers will become familiar with it and know where to find the info they need. It looks professional and builds trust in the mind of someone considering investing.

But what format should these templates take? Let me speak from my experience…

1. Selling details

Draw your ideal customer in with language that speaks directly to them. Use keywords which will match the reason they are shopping. Are they buying a gift or looking for that stand out pair of earrings to go with their LBD? To do this well of course means that you will have to have done your audience research and know how to attract them, you need to know them inside out.

2. Inspiration

Purchasing jewellery is most often an emotional decision. A potential customer likes to feel a connection to the brand and the piece. To do that they need to know why the piece exists, what is it’s purpose and where did the idea come from. You pour your heart and soul into your pieces, tell their story. If your audience can relate to your inspiration they will be more likely to buy.

3. Product Details

Need I say more? It sounds obvious and can be laborious but when shopping online, size matters… In addition to model images which show the proportion of the piece when worn, product details help the customer understand the dimensions of a piece, length of a chain, the materials it is made from and the finish. Check out the must have images to go along with your descriptions.

4. Options

Options are optional but important if they apply. See this as an opportunity to upsell. Can you suggest a similar piece if this one isn’t quite right? Is the piece also available in silver? In other dimensions? Do you offer a set or bundle to match? This means that if the piece they are looking at isn’t quite what they want, you might have alternative so you don’t lose that potential sale.

5. Delivery

Often relegated to a hidden drop down at the bottom of the page, delivery info should be easily accessible for potential customers. Are your pieces ready to ship? Made to order in 2-3 week? How will the pieces arrive, wrapped and ready to gift? All of these details clarify what they can expect from you if they buy and can avoid disappointment, especially with long lead times.

6. Reassurance

Buying high value items online can be daunting for customers. Tell them how to contact you if they have questions. Link to sizing charts so they can make sure they’re buying the right size. Don’t leave them wondering about any aspect of investing in your work right then and there.

So this is the breakdown for a truly informative product description but how you use and adapt it to your own brand can be tricky. If you want to hear more get in touch and we can chat about how together we can get your site converting.


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